nRF52 Programming Progress
After getting some good advice from members of EEVblog/Nordic/reddit and
burning a bit of time with
my crude nRF52 dev kit
I have managed to make some good progress in terms of programming
the nRF52832. So here is what I have completed thus far and what I
still have left to do:
Task | Complete? | Notes |
LED Blinky | Yes | Pin config is quite simple |
LED PWM | Yes | Pin config is a bit more complex here |
UART Comms | Yes | As always make sure your logic voltage levels are compatible |
ADC Read | no | Will be used to monitor voltage of supercapacitor |
BME280 Comms | Yes | I2C/TWI up and running :D |
SGP30 Comms | ~ | Basic function working, need to add humidity compensaiton |
BLE Comms | ~ | Have done some basic tests with making a BLE peripheral |
Reading data from BME280 (Temperature, Pressure, & Humidity)
Reading data from SGP30 (tVOC & eqC02)
SGP30 testing in Hong Kong
Segger Embedded Studio (SES) Configuration
Also I have found out that setting up a completely new nRF52 projects in
SES is not so simple, your best bet is to copy and modify an example
project that resembles what you want to achieve. Here
are a couple of suggestions on how to create a new nRF52 project in SES,
also below is my summary that has worked well so far:
- Download the nRF52 SDK and place it not so deep in the main drive:
- C:\NORDIC\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0
- Make up a working directory near same folder, again this can't be too deep into your main drive:
- C:\NORDIC\_WorkDir
- In the working directory create a project folder, for example when I was testing the PWM function I worked out of:
- C:\NORDIC\_WorkDir\11_2019May21_PWM-test_v12a
- In the examples folder of the SDK find a project that closely resembles what you want to achieve, then copy the following files into your project folder:
- C:\NORDIC\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0\examples\peripheral\pwm_driver\pca10040\blank\ses\pwm_driver_pca10040.emProject
- C:\NORDIC\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0\examples\peripheral\pwm_driver\pca10040\blank\ses\flash_placement.xml
- C:\NORDIC\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0\examples\peripheral\pwm_driver\main.c
- C:\NORDIC\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0\examples\peripheral\pwm_driver\pca10040\blank\config\sdk_config.h
- Now your project folder should look something like:
- C:\NORDIC\_WorkDir\11_2019May21_PWM-test_v12a\pwm_driver_pca10040.emProject
- C:\NORDIC\_WorkDir\11_2019May21_PWM-test_v12a\flash_placement.xml
- C:\NORDIC\_WorkDir\11_2019May21_PWM-test_v12a\main.c
- C:\NORDIC\_WorkDir\11_2019May21_PWM-test_v12a\sdk_config.h
- Rename the SES project in explorer: "pwm_driver_pca10040.emProject" to "PWM-test.emProject"
- Open up the renamed SES project in a txt editor and change the following:
- "<solution Name="pwm_driver_pca10040" target="8" version="2">" to "<solution Name="PWM-test" target="8" version="2">"
- "<project Name="pwm_driver_pca10040">" to "<project Name="PWM-test">"
- If using a custom board make sure to state this in "c_preprocessor_definitions": "c_preprocessor_definitions="BOARD_PCA10040;" to "c_preprocessor_definitions="BOARD_CUSTOM;"
- Using the find & replace function of your txt editor change the path depth of all mentioned files/libraries/directories so that they agree with your nRF52 SDK directory: "../../../../../../" to "../../nRF5_SDK_15.2.0/"
- Update the directory of "main.c": "<file file_name="../../../main.c" />" to "<file file_name="main.c" />"
- Update the directory of "sdk_config.h": "<file file_name="../config/sdk_config.h" />" to "<file file_name="sdk_config.h" />"
- Lastly update "c_user_include_directories" so that it looks at the correct directory for "sdk_config.h": "c_user_include_directories="../../../config;" to "c_user_include_directories=".;"
- Try opening up the updated project in SES and hitting the compile button (F7), given that everything has been done correctly the project should compile without any issues